If you lead a busy life, with kids, work, and weeknight activities, you might have fallen into the habit of not taking care of yourself. If you look in the mirror and do not like the extra weight that you are now carrying as a result of a busy lifestyle, you still may be perplexed because you do not know how to start putting together a weight-loss program that is right for you. Weight loss programs abound in book form and online, and some offer rapid weight loss, but that might not be the best weight loss for you. How can you determine what type of weight loss program will help you drop those extra pounds and gain extra energy and vitality?
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All healthy weight loss programs focus on the food you eat and the exercise in which you participate. The bottom line is that if you eat more than your body needs, you will start to gain weight, but if you eat a little less than your body requires, you will drop weight. Although you can lose weight quickly by following stringent diets, once you stop the diet the pounds often return. Healthy weight loss begins with making a few lifestyle changes that you can stick with over the course of time.
In terms of diet, you can start by substituting healthier food choices for lower nutrition ones. First is to rid your diet of sugar. This often takes the form of corn syrup, which finds its way into several foods, notably soda. Eat fewer fast foods, which tend to be high in fat and calories. Add vegetables and fruits, whole-wheat breads and grains, and healthy proteins found in soy, egg whites, and lean chicken. Drinking eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day is another easy to implement healthy choice as well.
Now that your diet is taking a turn for the healthier, why not add a bit of exercise to the mix? There are three basic areas that you want a comprehensive exercise program to cover, and they are cardiovascular exercise, weight training, and stretching. If you have not exercised on a regular basis in a while, it is best to start small and easy. Taking a walk is a great way to get in a cardiovascular workout, and you can break a longer workout into several short ones held throughout the day, so it is possible to fit it into your schedule. At first, you can simply use your own body to provide the resistance needed for weight training exercises. As you can progress, you can begin to add in hand weights or weight machines. Stretching is safest after you have participated in some form of cardio activity first, so that you muscles are warmed up a bit and ready for the lengthening they will receive from the stretches.
Workout journals and food diaries help you stay on track and record your weight loss programs progress, which will motivate your continued journey to health and fitness.
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