Is it really possible for weight loss to be easy?
The diet industry portrays that diets are a breeze, easy as pie, just eat our lovely (and expensive) products and spend lots of money and you will be as skinny as the skinny models who advertise our product yet have never used them.
Yet in spite of this, the vast majority of people see dieting as a struggle (struggling to lose weight), a battle (battling to lose weight), a fight (fighting to lose weight) and generally a hardship.
Easy weight loss is entirely possible if you adopt the right mental attitude. Weight loss is all about having motivation, and what is motivation except reasons to lose weight.
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So, what are your reasons for losing weight?
Do you want to be thinner because your friends are? Do you want to be thinner because you feel people will like you more? Or you'll like yourself more? Do you want to be thinner for health reasons?
There are a lot of potential reasons for losing weight, and if your reasons are powerful and motivating enough there is nothing else you can do except lose weight easily. Just what are your personal reasons for losing weight? Have a think about them now and decide if they are motivating enough.
You're now probably wondering what on earth this right mental attitude for easy weight loss is, so let me tell you now exactly what it is.
Number 1: Believe that you can succeed. You would be shocked to find how many people do not believe they can successfully diet and attain (and maintain) their desired target weight. Believe you can succeed, and believe it strongly - your beliefs create the world around you and whether you believe you can or can't, you're right.
Number 2: Be realistic. It's lovely for us all to have those pleasant day dreams, but be realistic. Don't think you can magically lose a hundred pounds in a week ... it's not physically possible, and losing too much weight too quickly is bad for your health. Be realistic about what you are aiming for and when you will do it.
Number 3: Believe that you are a thinner person. People will have their identity tied up with their weight, and people will do almost anything to protect their identity, even kill. Is your identity one of a struggling dieter? Or an overweight person? Or a fat slob? What is your identity with relation to your weight? If it is negative and involves you being anywhere other than your target weight, then you need to change it!
Number 4: Believer that you are worthy of being a thinner person. If you are caught up in self loathing and really dislike yourself you may not think you are worth losing weight and being at your ideal weight. You will find yourself struggling and sabotaging your efforts, so believe you are worthy of this success.
Number 5: Now this is the one that eludes all but the most successful dieters. Take REGULAR and CONSISTENT action. That's all it takes. Easy weight loss comes from taking consistent action every single day both mentally and physically. Thinking you want to be thin whilst eating pizza in front of the television isn't going to work. You have to combine thought with action to create results.
So now you know how easy weight loss really is when you have the right mental attitude. Study these five keys and use them to make your weight loss easy.
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